The Toronto Free Gallery and Creative Activism

Last night’s opening of the New Toronto Free Gallery space and Creative Activism couldn’t have been more of a success: Literally I don’t think you could have fit more people in the building (and the beer ran out about 10).

It included work from the Urban Repair Squad, the Movement Movement, exhibits on the absurd failure that amalgamation has been for Toronto, on going car free and more.

The full list of artists (as listed on the event invite) includes

Jennifer Delos Reyes, Yvonne Bambrick, February Group, Maxime Hourani, Deborah Margo, Barbara Menely, Dave Meslin, Markus Miessen & Patricia Reed, The Movement Movement, October Group, Darren O’Donnell & Natalie De Vito, Planning Action, Resident Rising, Neighbourhood Action and East Scarborough Storefront, Kerri Lynn Reeves, Auriane Sokoloski, Streets Are For People!, Nick Tobier, Urban Repair Squad and Elinor Whidden.

It was great to see such a huge turnout in a part of Toronto not normally associated with culture. If Queen West keeps filling up with high priced condos designed to attract people who want to be close to art and culture (and simultaneously drive it away) maybe the Bloor/Landsdown area can absorb some of the refugees.

If you’d still like to attend Creative Activism runs until April 19.

To keep up with coming events at the Toronto Free Gallery visit their website at or join their facebook group. You can also find pics of the renovation of the space at

for more photos see Flickr