The newbie makes predictions

Hey Everyone,
My name is Cody and I’m a new blogger here at public broadcasting.
I couldn’t be happier to be involved with this awesome blog and share my views on Canadian music.
I’m a music journalist and live to write about and promote Canadian talent. I’ve worked for online magazines for a while now and wanted to try something new. You may or (probably) may not have read me at Noise@Niagara and Audio Blood.
OK, that transition sucked, but give me some credit, it’s my first day.
Anyway, I wanted to start things off with a prediction on the albums I think have a chance at being nominated for the newly prestigious Polaris Music Prize. Will the underdog win like last year’s champ Final Fantasy? Well, that can wait until tomorrow.
Knives Don’t Have Your Back by Emily Haines seems like a likely choice. As does Gang of Losers by The Dears. But that’s only if I judge on the same terms as last year’s nominees Broken Social Scene and New Pornographers. With that logic Feist’s The Reminder will also be nominated, and rightfully so. Let’s face it, hype/buzz will play a factor.
The Handsome Furs seem likely also, probably solidified by their Galaxie Rising Star award at NXNE. Also, if memory serves, Wolf Parade was nominated last year. Again, I think connections will help in this race.
I’d really like to see Laura Peek and the Winning Hearts get a nomination. That record was the first one this year that really wowed me.
Well, those are my predictions. I’m pretty much ready to be surprised tomorrow.
I’ll share my thoughts on the nominations.