It was about two weeks ago that I initially published Time to Unite Against Stephen Harper it would appear that I was far from alone in that sentiment. Even if they aren’t concerned about his love of the Bush administration, his poor handling of the economy, his dismal environmental record, his cuts to arts and culture, or his attacks on social programs and women’s rights, even if they’re not concerned that a McCain win in the U.S. would almost surely mean war with Iran and that Harper would jump at the chance to sign Canada up – people know that when someone who was essentially an Alberta separatist starts seeking the votes of Quebec separatists it does not bode well for Canada.

In the past two weeks I’ve seen the Department of Culture gear up at a breakneck pace. I’ve seen my own group Canadians United Against Stephen Harper swell to over 5,000 members (with more joining by the minute) – the Facebook Event Vote Against Stephen Harper on October 14 designed to remind people to actually vote come election day has reached “6,776 confirmed guests” plus 1500 ‘Maybe’ and 15,301 outstanding invitations (about 10,000 new invitations in the last 24 hours). Last night I started an anti-Harper page entitled “Mean People Suck” so I could continue to send messages to people after the group reached 5000 – 132 people have added that since yesterday evening. There is also Anti-Harper Vote Swap Canada (a vote trading initiative) that has crossed 1,000 members and will cost the Tories ridings across the country (ok maybe not in Alberta).

Outside of Facebook, Vote For Climate, an anti-Conservative environmental coaltion has launched and after a meeting I had on Wednesday night I know that there is alot more in the pipe.

Better still I’ve talked to alot of people who are thinking well beyond October 14. Many people have decided that it is time to truly fight back against the anti-Canadian policies of Harper and his Conservatives – even if he is out of power we will continue to press the attack.

Please, join us!