The Blood Lines Diversify

Ok, technically the band has split up, but it’s hard to see it that way. All four members are already busy with new projects. Maygen and SJ Kardash are currently about 2/3’s done with their first album as Violent Kin (the first two songs are up on their Myspace Barrett Ross is drumming for the Peacoats a Saskatoon collective which also includs members of Ultimate Power Duo and We Were Lovers and according to their Myspace (though which Beatle isn’t exactly clear.) The Peacots also have crossover members with Foam Lake which is Paul Douglass Ross’ new band. (The first Foam Lake demo is on their Myspace now.

So, while the Blood Lines will be missed, everyone is moving on quickly and there are now three bands to check out.

R3TV Episode #30 – “The Blood Lines Take China”