You might have missed this really good article on Bob Wiseman, it came out on New Year’s Eve in the University of Ottawa’s Fulcrum. Because the U of Ottawa wasn’t even in session on New Year’s eve I’d actually be surprised if you’ve read it.

There are some good bits on band dynamics:

“Sometimes it’s pretty dysfunctional, and sometimes it’s pretty good,” says Wiseman of band dynamics. “Even me, I’m pretty dysfunctional, and I want to quit myself, but what can I do? It’s me!”


“I’ve seen a lot of people do film and video in my life that have disappointed me,” he explains. “They have visuals, but it’s often meaningless, and its relationship to the content of the song is tangential.”

and even Bob’s mom.

Wiseman’s website is also pretty unique. Instead of a “contact” link, Wiseman recommends you e-mail his mother Elaine Wiseman, who “knows way more about Bob than Bob.”

Go here to read the full article.