Randall Cousins Downloads

Randall Cousins has contributed 3 more songs to the download section today. It wouldn’t be suprising if you’d never heard of Randall, but you should still check out the songs. Randall plays an instrument called a theremin. From Randalls website

“The theremin is one of the oldest electronic instruments, and the only one known that you play without touching. Moving your hands in the space around its antennas 
controls pitch and volume.”

So, the teremin will sound familiar to you if you’ve watched alot of old sci-fi. From wikipedia:

“To play, the player moves his hands around the antennas, controlling frequency (pitch) and amplitude (volume). The theremin is associated with “alien”, surreal, and eerie-sounding portamento, glissando, tremolo, and vibrato sounds, due to its use in soundtracks such as Spellbound, The Lost Weekend, Metroid Prime, Ed Wood, Mars Attacks! (together with the Ondes-Martenot and pre-recorded Theremin samples)[4] and The Day the Earth Stood Still. “

Go here to have a listen