Quiet Week but…

Not alot to report this week. At any rate not since the last posting on Saturday. It seems that people are focusing on the end of summer and not on how really, really important and cool it would be to have Canadian indie music on national television. That’s all good though. We’re not operating under a deadline and the R3TV campaign will still be here in the fall…and winter…and…as long as it takes.

Just a reminder, the link to email your friends the petition is here: http://www.ipetitions.com/tell-a-friend.html?id=d808b8fd and the link to invite your friends to the facebook group is http://www.facebook.com/editgroup.php?members&gid=2350312148 enjoy episode 19


  • Petition:477 (up 8)
  • Facebook Group: 617 (up 2)
  • Myspace: 922 (up 36)
  • Myspace Group:586 (up 77)