Post #600 And A Happy New Year

This is the 600th post on this blog. As you will see, I’m still very busy with the site. The CanCon Cast will shortly be a reality and I’ve added several things to the aggregators (I still have a long list of things to look at so more additions will be coming sortly.)

Happy 2008 Everyone! Stay tuned.

New Additions:


  • Canuck Attitude
  • Civixen
  • A Creative Revolution
  • I (Heart) Music
  • Nag on the Lake
  • Nick’s CafĂ© Canadien
  • Taxi Talk
  • We Move To Canada
  • News

  • the Galloping Beaver
  • Montreal Simon
  • Politics n’ Poetry
  • Queer Liberal
  • Regret the Error
  • Podcasts

  • CBC Radio: Search Engine
  • CBC Radio: Spark
  • CBC Radio: White Coat, Black Art
  • CBC Radio: How to Think About Science
  • The National: At Issue Video Podcast
  • Politics with Don Newman
  • CBC Radio: Rewind

  • Art and Photography

  • photojunkie