Poll: Time to Unite the Left?

As regular readers of this blog will know I have been pursuing the idea of an Unparty. But, coming out of the last miserable election there are growing calls to Unite the Left. So, am I thinking along the wrong lines? Should a broad ‘Unite the Left’ movement be pushing at the range of political parties that are to the left of George Bush?

I’m torn on this. I can see some interesting platforms and very good teams coming out of a united left and I’m certainly tired of the left getting 2/3rds of the vote but being shut out of power. I’m apprehensive though about a US style two party system. It’s a bit like having two restaurants and no kitchen – the two parties (right and left) present menus (platforms) but if your issues aren’t on the menu it is very difficult to put them there.

So, just to get a bearing on what people are thinking – what do you think?