Polaris Polarization

As promised I am going to share with you my thoughts on this years nomination for the Polaris Music Prize. Yesterday I made my predictions and today is where I’m proved wrong.
I really thought Emily Haines and Handsome Furs would be on this list, but I’m not too broken up about it because a lot of worthy albums made it. They are as followed with criticism/praise:

Neon Bible by The Arcade Fire
The Paris Hilton of bands. I sure I’m not the only one deathly sick of hearing about this band. However, no one can deny they are essential Canadian music, which earned them a spot on this list. But I think like last year’s nominations of Broken Social Scene and New Pornographers, this band is too popular to win.

The Besnard Lakes are the Dark Horse by The Besnard Lakes
The title of the album says it all. I think this album is the dark horse to win. It’s a solid album that grows on me more after each listen and I wouldn’t be surprised if it was crowned champ.

Gang of Losers by The Dears
As I predicted, this album made it. I love love love this album and feel the band has grown so much since the release of No Cities Left. I know a lot of people disagree with me, but they obviously aren’t listening to Death or Life We Want You loud enough.

Woke Myself Up by Julie Doiron
What a pleasant surprise! I always thought Julie Doiron seemed like the nicest person for some reason. Her winning would bring a huge smile to my face.

The Reminder by Feist
Not a shocking nomination considering how well received this album was, but like Arcade Fire, I think Ms. Feist is too popular to win. But props for the video for 1-2-3-4 and for being awesome. I only use the word “props” when I really like someone.

So This is Goodbye by Junior Boys
I got excited when I read this nomination because they are from Hamilton, the next city over from where I grew up. I definitely think they deserve this nomination if only to solidify the growing interest in electronica.

Five Roses by Miracle Fortress
I enjoy this album a lot, it reminds me of being drunk and walking home during a light snow fall. That’s the best way I can explain it. Sorry.

Ashtray Rock by The Joel Plaskett Emergency
Gotta love concept albums. I actually thought the east coast would be represented more times on this list, but I’m happy to see this album make it. Damn, I already have Fashionable People in my head.

Skelliconnection by Chad Vangaalen
Spell check hates him, but Canada sure doesn’t. And for good reason too, he is probably the best songwriter in Canada.

Close to Paradise by Patrick Watson
This was the biggest shock of the list. I never would have guessed this would make the cut, but I choose to accept it and move on. But if it wins I’ll probably go into a coma.

So those are the nominations. Not as diverse as last year, but good none the less. I actually thought Ohbijou would make the cut. This award was made for a band like that. Swift Feet for Troubling Times is just plain amazing. But, like I said before, these nominations satisfy me.
I’m thinking The Besnard Lakes is going win. Who’s with me? Your thoughts? Who else is missing from this list?