Toronto band the Craft Economy who promoted their work last year by stapling free CD’s to utility poles is asking people to remix their work. All of their stuff is released under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-Share Alike 3.0 Unported which means that you can share it, and remix it provided you’re not making money off of it, you give attribution to the band and you share what you create. From their blog:

“All of our work is released under a Creative Commons license, but we’d also like to help people creative derivative works. To that end, let us know if you’d like to remix any of our tracks from the new EP.

We’ll send you whatever you want, you remix it in whatever way you want, and license it under the same Attribution-Noncommercial-Share Alike 3.0 license. And if it is good, like really good, maybe we can put it on our next CD single, due for this spring (and even give you a cut of all the millions we’re making doing this music thing). Email us at if you’d like to remix something.”

So, get in touch with them and get mixing Canada.

the Craft Economy – the Crash