There is a post on Slushpile about “the Woman in the Kelly Green Trenchcoat” maybe you don’t know her personally, maybe she wasn’t wearing that particular trenchcoat when you last saw her, maybe she was even a he, but if you’ve spend any time in any major city (in North America at least) you’ve seen her.

I hate you. Really, I do. I hate how you talked on your cellphone and took up two seats — one for your own useless self and the other for your drycleaning. The bus was packed. An older, frailer woman had to stand beside your shitty plastic-coated Gapwear. Everyone gave you dirty looks. You knew that everyone on that bus wanted to see you disemboweled and you didn’t miss a beat. You kept on gibbering into your cell phone and pretending to stare out the window. You’re an asshole, but you may have the biggest balls out of anyone I’ve ever met. I hate big balls.

I thought just this once it was worth taking our feelings about KGTC (kelly green trench coat) to a larger audience. No one anywhere really likes you KGTC, you’re just too self absorbed to notice.