A total of 5 new people have signed up to write for the site. I’ll let them introduce themselves as they will:

For anyone else who is interested the basics go like this:

The site is about Canadian arts and culture (and sometimes politics): Beyond that

  • No Deadlines
  • No Assignements (you write about what interests you, when you feel compelled to do so)
  • No Editorial control (you post directly to the site, I don’t even see it first)
  • No Style Guide or Standards and Practices – the only things you can’t do are actually against the law other than that…
  • No Pay (sorry – the site takes in no money, no donations, no paid advertisements – so unless I win a really, really big lottery there’s nothing to pay you with)
  • One odd thing I’ve discovered is that, for alot of people the ‘pressure of the blank page’ is too much: Many of the people that think they want to write for the site, when given complete freedom, don’t know what to say and end up not writing (which is why I’ve stopped introducing people – just in case).

    If you decide it’s something you want to do, and you haven’t talked to me about it yet please give a shout there is a ton of stuff out there that doesn’t get talked about, because of a lack of hands, time and local people to talk about it.