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After a string of reported incidents of abuse between online content creators and fans recently Hank Green of SciShow, Vlogbrothers and other volunteers have put together a task force and fund to fight back. The plan is to create a YouTube show, aimed at a young audience about sex, consent, abuse, societal and cultural attitudes toward sex and consent and other, related, issues.

The full and complete text that accompanies the YouTube video announcing the launch reads:

If you haven’t heard, there have been some really troubling stories about manipulative and even possibly abusive relationships between online creators and their fans.

While that situation certainly spurred me to make this video, I also think a video like this is long overdo. We’re excited to be facing these problems head-on, because the only way out is through.

Thanks to our task force for helping me edit this video and make sure I wasn’t too clumsy with the work, especially to Sahitya.

Here are some resources put together by the task force:

If someone is pressuring you:…

Types of assault:…

Find a local crisis center:

Online hotline:…

International resources:…

Emotional abuse:…

“Digital” abuse:…

Warning signs of an abusive relationship:…

The video announcement and explanation is below. You can also subscribe to the Vlogbrothers YouTube channel here.