New Site For Small Press Book Fair

The Toronto Small Press Book Fair has launched a new website at which includes a directory of the presses, a monthly interview/profile of one of the presses (this month’s is Misunderstanding Magazine), and information about the Small Press Book Fair.

I know that there has been alot of controversy around the Toronto Small Press Book Faire over the last year but, not being an insider, I don’t even have a good understanding of what happened and my guess is it would depend on who you ask.

Regardless of what may have transpired the fight appears to be largely personal and shouldn’t be allowed to harm the Fair. Toronto’s small presses don’t need any more setbacks. As Torontoist put it:

“Filled with all kinds of interesting and book-savvy individuals, the fair is a great place to find an array of quality (sometimes hand-crafted) books, chapbooks, zines, journals, poems in pots, trinkets, and countless other wonderfully unique items.

From micro presses to medium sized presses, to those who have ventured into self-publishing, the fair represents only a fragment of Toronto’s small press community, but it is a natural place for the aspiring writer to flock to in order to gain insight on how to etch their way into the publishing world. Continuing to unite Toronto’s literary community, the fair reminds us about the heart of the craft.”