NDP to Introduce Net Neutrality Legislation

According to the CBC NDP MP Charlie Angus promised yesterday to introduce a private members bill on Net Neutrality today. He made the announcement at a Net Neutrality rally on Parliament hill stating that “You are citizens of a digital realm and you have rights”.

Sadly it appears that the NDP may be alone on the issue. In keeping with their tradition of not taking a position on anything Liberal MP Mauril BĂ©langer told the crowd “I will not say yes blindly, I can’t give you a blank cheque.”

Also according to the CBC article:

Canada is behind the United States in dealing with net neutrality issues. In February, the U.S. regulator held a public probe into the traffic-shaping practices of Comcast Corp., the country’s largest ISP. The hearing prompted Comcast to promise it would abandon traffic shaping in favour of a non-discriminatory network management system by the end of the year. Representative Ed Markey, a Democrat, also introduced a net neutrality bill to the U.S. House of Representatives in February.

The Conservatives appear with allowing Bell to do as it pleases with it’s taxpayer funded monopoly on internet infrastructure.

I would urge anyone and everyone concerned with a private, taxpayer funded monopoly being given control over free speech on the internet to:

  • Write your MP to express concern over this issue and urge them to support net neutrality legislation. If you don’t know how to contact your MP try this.
  • Join SaveOurNet.ca
  • and

  • Join the Canadian Fair Media Coalition on facebook.
  • I stated a few days ago that I felt that rallies on Parliament Hill or at Queen’s Park had lost their impact as a protest method. I started the Canadian Fair Media Coalition because I believe what would be effective is hitting Candidates with media/arts/cultural issues during an election – either on the phone, or in person at their rallies or debates. Only during an election do candidates feel forced to take a position and while they will usually conveniently forget everything they said while campaigning, once they are on the record they can be held accountable.