Music Business Aggregator

I’ve added a new page to – the Music Business page is brand new and I’m just getting started in adding everyone to it but it will have aggregated blogs from Canadian music labels, festivals, live venues and more. So far the list contains

  • Blocks Recording Club
  • Burnt Oak Records
  • Coalition Entertainment
  • Fuzzy Logic Recordings
  • Horseshoe Tavern
  • In the Dead of Winter Festival
  • Kelp Records
  • Mint Records
  • Paper Bag Records
  • Phog Lounge
  • Saved By Vinyl
  • (weewerk) recordings
  • On Edit: Still lots more to come, but I’ve added

  • All Caps!
  • Arts and Crafts Records
  • Canadian Music Week
  • Collagen Rock Records
  • Maple Music Recordings
  • No Shame
  • North by North East (NXNE)
  • Polaris Music Prize
  • Sappy Records
  • Six Shooter Records
  • Two Way Monologues
  • Tranzac
  • Wavelength
  • West Coast Music Awards