Just days after signing Kellarissa Vancouver’s Mint Records has scored another major coup – adding Edmonton’s Hot Panda to the Mint roster.

Mint’s latest addtions are, by far, the hottest pandas in all of Edmonton.

“When you get compared, in the same breath, to everything from Daniel Johnson to the Talking Heads, you know you have a sound that’s hard to pin down. Since their formation during the particularly chilly winter of 2006, the members of Hot Panda (Maghan Campbell, Keith Olsen, Chris Connelly, and Heath Parsons) have yet to sit down and have the discussion that goes: “So, what should we sound like?”. The result is a swath of tunes that sound like anything and everything. Brit pop, gypsy swing, opera solos, Robert Pollard style lo-fi jangles, glammy Roxy Music keyboards, and “melodies that will be impossible to dislodge from your temporal cortex” (ChartAttack), all find their home in the music of Hot Panda… sometimes all in the same song!”

You can, if you haven’t already, give them a listen on Myspace or New Music Canada.