March 3: Eyes on Toronto with Trevor Boris, Major Maker and Kendra Francis

Did you know that February is a very short month? It’s true and that’s why Eyes On Toronto is almost ready to go again. On March 3 Stephen and co will bring you the latest roster of world class performers from our world class city (really, we are, I swear!) So, here are the details:

Date: Monday, March 3, 2008
Time: 8:15pm – 11:15pm – all times “ish”
Location:The Historic Gladstone Hotel
Street: West Queen St West
City/Town: Toronto

For more details see (where you can also watch online in the event you really can’t come) or the Facebook Event Page.

DJ Matt Medley will be there along with this months guests:

Winnipeg native Trevor Boris of NBC’s Last Comic Standing, MuchMusic’s Video On Trial and CTV’s Comedy NOW. Trevor has also recently completed two television pilots and is a regular contributor to CBC’s ‘the Debaters’ – amoung many, many, many other things.

Toronto band Major Maker Who have been incredibly successful at getting airplay by getting their songs in other people’s advertisements. From

“It’s a well-known fact that bands, especially independents, have fewer traditional outlets for airtime, while emerging avenues are being navigated to varying degrees of success. The marriage between musicians and marketers is nothing new. In 1984, Michael Jackson had his hair singed in a pyro accident during the filming of a Pepsi ad that earned him millions (as well as a trip to the hospital). The major difference now? You don’t put famous music in ads — the ads make your music famous.”

Ryerson grad and Toronto Fashion designer Kendra Francis of Project Runway and Franke (920 Queen Street West).