Laura Barrett – What’s Coming When

With the number of announcements of late from the Laura Barrett camp some of you might be a bit confused so, here’s a quick breakdown of what’s coming and when.

Ursula, Laura’s 2nd EP came out in December

She has now signed with Paper Bag Records and her first EP Earth Sciences which was released to considerablecriticaljoy will be re-released on Feb. 26

Now it appears that a full length album is on it’s way too. In an article on Laura said:

“I’m aiming to finish it by the end of March, so it’ll be out three to four months after that,” she says. “I’m not sure what the delay is all about, but I’m aware that there is a delay… I think it involves spreadsheets.”

That should about get you caught up I think, at least until summer.

Also From Chart (link added by me):

Here’s where you can catch Barrett in the near future:
Feb. 4 Toronto, ON @ The Gladstone (Eyes On Toronto)
• Feb. 5 Toronto, ON @ Silver Dollar (Beach Boys tribute)
• March 1 Peterborough, ON @ The Underdog w/The Superfantastics
• March 2 Hamilton, ON @ The Casbah w/The Superfantastics
• March 3 Guelph, ON @ Salsateria w/The Superfantastics
• March 4 Waterloo, ON @ Trepid House w/The Superfantastics
• March 5 London, ON @ The Alex P Keaton w/The Superfantastics
• March 9 Montreal, QC @ Casa Del Popolo