Join the Team: The Toronto Music Community Saves the World

The Toronto ‘indie’ music community is rallying for concerts that make a difference. A series of shows is planned, starting January 29, to raise funds for Kiva. Kiva, in case you don’t know, is an organization that gives micro loans to people in the developing world to help them become self sufficient.

For example, in many parts of the world, owning a few tools, or bicycle, or a sewing machine can enable an entire family to earn a living and put food on the table. Kiva helps facilitate small loans that make this possible. Again, this is just a loan, which means that, if all goes well, the money gets paid back so you can re-loan it to someone or put it back in your pocket.

The first IndieCredit fundraiser show will be held at the Rancho Relaxo on Jan. 29. But you don’t have to wait until then to get involved and to donate.

The Facebook Group for IndieCredit is at and the Kiva Group is at sign up and/or if you don’t live in Toronto: start your own group, we’ll make it a competition to see who’s music community can save the world the fastest.