Back in February the Standing Committee on Canadian Heritage made some recommendations for the future of the CBC. Among them

  • Increased funding
  • Fewer commercials
  • Increased Canadian content
  • More regional programming
  • More online programming
  • Increased partnerships with other Canadian cultural instutions
  • Today according to Inside the CBC the report was completely rejected by the Harper Government.

    “The CBC, needless to say, isn’t thrilled. “We are disappointed that the Government has not endorsed the Committee’s unanimous recommendations, said Hubert T. Lacroix, President of CBC/Radio-Canada. “The report is a blueprint for developing the future goals of public broadcasting in Canada.”…”The CBC noted that, given its current resources, the Corporation is facing some “critical choices” about its future directions.”

    Based on the actions of this government I can come to no other conclusion that they are, in fact, anti-Canadian.

    They want to stifle the CBC, censor film, decide what kinds of medicines you can have, and pass a law that would make most Canadians into criminals. Harper has also made drastic cuts to most arts and culture programs in the country. This government doesn’t get art, they don’t like art and they don’t see why we need it. The same can basically be said for the environment.

    Surely the government must have some allies, I mean anyone who wants to stay in power has to do something for someone right? Well, the Harper government does do things for those it was elected to represent gun owners, polluters, the military (our military should no doubt be supported, but it doesn’t need to be large) and the United States.

    We won’t even get into the corruption and secrecy of this Government. Just a simple math equation. Does someone who loves big business, polluters, guns, a big military and George Bush but evidently hates nature, the environment, art, culture, free speech and the CBC really represent any significant part of Canada?