Hype and Publicbroadcasting.ca stuff

I am very happy about the way Hype has gone so far – a number of different writers on a wide variety of topics and, although posts aren’t as frequent as I might like sometimes, it is steady. Sadly the other group blogs I’ve tried to create for the site haven’t gone as well. People enthusiastically signed up to post, but some never posted at all, and others have been infrequent.

So, I am expanding the topic range of Hype from pop culture to – nearly everything. I am shutting down the other group blogs on the site, moving their posts over here and inviting the authors to join this blog.

For those of you who subscribe to the Hype feed, please forgive me if the feed is a little wonky the next few days while I make the transition

For the time being at least Shuffle, Circles Around the Square and the Spotlights (see menu above) will continue. If you have any questions or concerns, please let me know.