I am just back from vacation and it is going to take a little while to get back to everyone who needs getting back to. I’m also going to be a little less prolific in my blogging for the next little bit. Publicbroadcasting.ca is about to turn 3 years old and, as I seem to do every summer, I’m making some changes. Most of what is here currently is staying put and anything that is going away is actually going to be improved upon. The arts sections are going to be divided up a little better etc. The navigation is also going to get easier and I’m going to add a bunch more cities to the site. Currently Toronto, Vancouver and Montreal all have their own pages but they will shortly be joined by Calgary, Edmonton, Ottawa, Halifax, Guelph, Winnipeg, Regina, Charlottetown, Sudbury, Saskatoon, Hamilton, Thunder Bay, Sydney, Mississauga, Victoria, North Bay, St. Johns, Iqaluit, London, Windsor, St. John, Kitchener/Waterloo, Whitehorse, Yellowknife, Oshawa, Moncton and Kelowna. So if you live in any of these places and want to suggest some good local content please pass it along.

Otherwise, Stay Tuned…