Help A Reporter Out

Richelle Gillett pointed this out to me, and while I primarily stick to things Canadian: Web sites are a bit different. allows both reporters and sources sign up and then sends out about 3 emails a day with lists of reporters looking for sources and the kinds of things they are looking for. If you are a reporter who sometimes needs a source, or if you know something about anything and would be willing to help out from time to time check out the site.

“This list was originally conceived on Facebook, but since Facebook caps group emails at 1,200 people, this is the next incarnation.

Each day, you’ll receive up to three emails, each with anywhere from 2-10 queries per email. They’ll all be labeled with [] in the subject line, for easy filtering. If you see a query you can answer, go for it! really is that simple.

I built this list because a lot of my friends are reporters, and they call me all the time for sources. Rather than go through my contact lists each time, I figured I could push the requests out to people who actually have something to say.

These requests only come from reporters directly to me. I never take queries from that other service, I never SPAM, and I’m not going to do anything with your email other than send you these reporter requests when they arrive in my in-box.”