Harper Wants an Election on Right to Censor

Amazingly, Stephen Harper’s Tories want to fight an election on a pro-censorship platform.

“Finance Minister Jim Flaherty is declaring film tax-credit legislation a matter of confidence in the Conservative government, meaning MPs could land on Canadian doorsteps this spring to debate the line between art and pornography.
Mr. Flaherty said the legislation, known as Bill C-10, contains a range of important tax measures and changes will not be tolerated.”

For those of you who don’t know, Bill C-10 would allow a government appointed bureaucrat to censor films and television shows after they are made and, if they are deemed “offensive” in the personal opinion of that bureaucrat their funding would be pulled after the fact. This would have the effect of essentially ending the Canadian film and television industry. Very few people will be willing to invest in a production if part of the funding can be pulled after the fact because a bureaucrat didn’t like it.
Interestingly C-10 would only apply to Canadian productions. American and other foreign films would still receive tax credits for shooting in Canada.
It is not really that surprising coming from this Government. Harper’s (us Republican style tories – not to be confused with traditional Canadian conservatives) have, to date:

  • Placed a gag order on government scientists.
  • Tried to force through a anti-consumer, anti-artist US style copyright law.
  • Tried to launch his own media center – which would have allowed him to control what images, video, sound and text were available to reporters, as well as which reporters and news organizations got any access at all.
  • Has continually avoided, hidden from and blocked reporters trying to inform Canadians about our government.
  • Has placed gag orders on the Canadian Military as well as those within Government who are concerned about Global Warming and finally his own MPs and Cabinet ministers.
  • Now he would like to fight an election over his desire to sensor and if possible kill Canadian film and television.
    The time has come for Stephen Dion and company to step up, or step down. Stephen Harper is not a fit prime minister. He would be more at home as a third world dictator, or perhaps in the Chinese government. If Mr. Dion and his liberals sit on their hands in this vote I will not even consider giving them a vote in the next election (whenever it comes). I like the Liberal (Gerard Kennedy) who will run in my riding, but I won’t support a party that buries it’s head in the sand and allows a direct attack on Canadian film and television. If they, once again, decide to abstain they will have to replace Stephen Dion before I will even consider them again.