Galacticasting Call

Rudy Wants to Can Haz New Hawt Costars: In case you hadn’t heard Casey McKinnon has left Galaticast. This may seem to you, as it did to me at first, like the Canadian vlogging equivalent of the Kennedy Assassination but, since everyone is still alive and doing well (as far as I know) – maybe it wasn’t quite that bad.

At any rate, Rudy is looking for a new cast for next season.

From Rudy:


With Casey leaving, its time to find a new acting troupe to participate in GALACTICAST. Not much is required; 5 hours of your time once a week, a wee bit of the self promotion, but otherwise its fun, funny, and … funtastic?

So if you guys no anyone in the Montreal area who would like to be appear in an episode please reach out to them and me.

Likewise, if anyone wants to sugar-momma the show, contact me. We’ve built this with little to no budget. Imagine what we can accomplish with a few thousand dollars.

If you’re interested (and if being in Montreal alot isn’t a problem for you), contact Rudy through the Galaticast Website