FWC: All Canadian DVD Club

Canadian film is hard to see. If you live in a large city you might be lucky enough to catch a screening at a small rep theatre – if you even find out the screening is happening. If you miss it there you might find a copy at a good indie video store. Again that’s if, you live in a big city and if the small indie video store is still in business. If you live in a smaller town chances are you can do neither of these things and will never have an opportunity to see many of the brilliant films that are produced in this country.

The First Weekend Club has been fighting to improve the situation, trying to get more Canadian films onto more screens for a longer period of time. Now they are getting ready to launch a DVD club so that you can actually own copies of those great Canadian films that no one gets to see.

Just think of it as a book club, but for movies. Each month a new DVD will be selected and throughout the month we will have an ongoing moderated discussion on our forum about the film. Participants will also be treated to “special guest appearances” by filmmakers, talent, film experts, etc.
This is a chance for you to connect with other First Weekend Club members across Canada, while bonding over great films – discovering the new and re-discovering “oldies” too.

They would like for you to take a moment though and take this survey before they get it up and going!