Sound Opera on
3:12pm Today | Edit Note | Delete
The next show is this Wed. Aug. 18 at 6 pm, and Thurs. 6:30 am. I hope you can catch it either then or on the archive the next day,, and let me know what you think!

“Gathering Voices”, CHRW 94.9 FM features two Sound Operas that sprang from my book of poetry, Trance Form.

P.K. Page writes in her preface: “Trance Form. Its title prepares you. For metamorphoses. For multiple meanings. Trance-verse? Born of trance-illumination? Its tableofcontent prepares you too. For homonyms, puns, complicated word play in the tradition of middle-eastern poetry: mattermater, moonphase, bonepoems. Logic trance-ended; matter trance-muted blown thru and out the other side of reasonTrance Form is an intricate book. It rewards attention. Read it with three eyes. Although two will do”.

Sound Opera is a new form I developed with musicians in performance & recording over the last three decades, in a desire to lift poetry off the page to the stage. Sound Opera is based on text but it expands poetic possibilities to include voice, music & movement, to express narrative when emotions burst the seams of print.

