FCC site has crashed just hours ahead of Net Neutrality comment deadline (keep commenting anyway)


Demand Progress (Demandprogress.org) is reporting that the Federal Communications Commission’s comment site has crashed from the influx of traffic. The deadline to submit comments, which the FCC encouraged, is midnight tonight. However, that doesn’t mean that you’ve lost your chance.

Demand Progress and their allies at battleforthenet.com are storing comments so that they can be passed along to the FCC when the site is back up.

According to an email, activists in Washington aren’t waiting that long:

Internet users are mobilizing and we already have a small group of volunteers and activists in Washington, DC who have stepped up to deliver comments to the FCC *by hand* before the deadline at midnight tonight and make sure that they get entered into the record.”

In case you aren’t familiar with the issue, the end of Net Neutrality would ensure that large, established companies had an even larger advantage than they already do. Startups and independents, already at a disadvantage and operating on a small budget would have the added disadvantage of being more difficult for users to access.

John Oliver at Last Week Tonight explains in a little more detail: