It’s about time for a program like Exposure. Actually, it’s about time for a program like Zed, but if we can’t have that then Exposure and R3TV would be nice.

Exposure is, for anyone who doesn’t know yet, a program that invites filmmakers to upload short films and the audience to “Watch, rate, and leave comments. Help determine what videos make it onto CBC Television’s Exposure.” The ultimate winner of the series will get a 25 thousand dollar online content development deal from the CBC and Yahoo Canada.

Last night’s long awaited premiere was exciting, and many of the shorts featured showed real promise. I would, however, make one suggestion: Please take it easy with the ‘interesting’ camera angles and effects. It’s ok in small does but it’s not at all necessary and I found it a little distracting. Ultimately it was the shorts I tuned in to see, and not the hosts.

Anyway, here’s a small sample for anyone who missed it. “A short film about a man coping with the imminent loss of his hearing. Utilizes a bit of animation. Original Music by the Writer/Director Damian Weston. Budget: $200