During This Morning’s NRA Press Conference 4 People Were Killed in a Pennsylvania Shooting

This morning the National Rifle Association broke their silence on the Newtown school massacre. Predictably, the NRA stated that more guns, not less, was the way to prevent future tragedies:

“The only thing that stops a bad guy with a gun is a good guy with a gun,” LaPierre said.

He blamed video games, movies and music videos for exposing children to a violent culture day in and day out.

While the press conference was going on, in Blair County, Pennsylvania:

BLAIR COUNTY, Pa. — The Blair County district attorney said that four people, including the alleged gunman, are dead after a series of shootings along a rural road on Friday.

The district attorney said the victims are one woman and three men, including the gunman.

Three Pennsylvania state troopers were injured. One was shot in the chest and had a bulletproof vest on; one was injured in a crash; and one was injured by flying debris. All three troopers are expected to be OK.