CRTC to Split Canadian Television Fund

The CRTC reccomended this week that the Canadian Television Fund be divided into two segments – public and private.

If the recommendations are followed two boards of directors would be created, with one overseeing public funding and one overseeing private.

The public sector funding would be accessible only by Canada’s public broadcasters (such as the CBC) and would be for specialty, niche and educational programming.

The private sector funds would be available to Canada’s private broadcasters and unlike the public television funding ratings would be a criteria for funding. From

““It is our hope that the recommendations we have put forward will assist in resolving the issues surrounding the CTF. The Fund plays a vital role in fostering a strong domestic television industry through its support of independent productions. Its effective operation is vital to the creation of high-quality, Canadian-made programs,” said Konrad von Finckenstein, Q.C., Chairman of the CRTC.”

According to CBC brass strongly disagrees with the recommendation:

““Implementing today’s recommendations would effectively take money away from those who have the strongest commitment to Canadian programming,” said Richard Stursberg, Executive Vice-President of English Services. “We hope the Government will recognize the detrimental effect this report would have on
Canadian programming and culture.””