CRTC Tests ‘the N word’ (not that one)

Perhaps it is because of recent critisism on issues around media consolidation but the CRTC is experimenting with the word ‘No’ when it comes to media companies trying to buy more media companies.

According to the Hollywood Reporter

“The Canadian Radio-television and Telecommunications Commission said Tuesday that the Vancouver-based company may not buy CKIZ-FM in Vernon and CIGVFM in Penticton, both in British Columbia, as the transaction would give Pattison more than two English-language FM stations in the local media market.

“If the Commission were to approve the applications, all of the nine commercial radio programming undertakings serving Vernon, Kelowna and Penticton … would belong to two operators — Pattison and Astral Media Radio,” the CRTC said in its ruling. “A plurality of ownership in the private element is necessary in order to maximize the diversity of voices in the Canadian broadcasting system.”

Now if only they could go about saying ‘no’ retroactively a bit.