Conservatives: Save us From the CBC

In a fundraising letter this week the Conservative (read Republican) Party asked for financial support from their members. They pointed to allegations earlier in the month that a CBC reporter had provided questions to a Liberal MP to ask during Brian Mulroney’s testimony on the Airbus afair.

From Canada East

Finley, the party’s campaign director, says he was shocked by allegations that a CBC reporter helped produce questions for a Liberal MP to ask Brian Mulroney at a recent parliamentary hearing.
Now he’s using the incident as a fundraising message to the party faithful: Tories face a chronic disadvantage because of their powerful enemies, and need your cash to overcome it.

Never mind that there is nothing inherently wrong, unethical or even new about a journalist helping an MP prepare for a hearing:

Other reporters say they’ve suggested questions for politicians in the past – for instance, when Conservatives were in opposition and grilling the Liberals during the sponsorship scandal.

Perhaps the real reason that the Conservatives are finding things difficult to run in Canada is because they do not represent Canadians.

“Let’s face the facts,” Finley writes in a letter, released by the party Monday.
“Running as a Conservative in Canada is never easy

The Conservative party of Canada certainly has broad support amoung American neo-Conservatives. But if they are having trouble finding similar support amoung Canadians perhaps they would be better off aligning their policies and platforms with the ideals and goals of average Canadians.
If this government’s goals and aspirations are not in keeping with those of Canadians that is not the CBC’s fault. If they have failed to deliver on any issue of substance for Canadians during their time in office it is again not the CBC’s fault, if their constant efforts to align themselves with the U.S. Republican party are unpopular in Canada they shouldn’t even be surprised, much less looking for someone to blame. I can only hope that an effort to raise funds to protect politicians from journalists doesn’t raise enough cash to cover the postage the mass mailing cost them.