
There is a new episode of R3TV out – for those of you who are only interested in that just skip down.

Beyond that: I know I sound like a broken record with the ‘invite your friends’ , ‘tell other people’ stuff, but there is a reason. The idea behind this whole thing is fairly simple – if we show the CBC that there is an audience for this then perhaps they will make it. Kindof a “If they come you will build it” thing. But the numbers we have aren’t enough to entice the CBC. They want to see big audiences, not just a few hundred.

There is, from a TV perspective, no reason for the CBC not to make the show. First, it’s cheap – most of the content they would need for the show is already there (Radio 3 already has it). It’s just a matter of having a host and putting it all in a package.

It’s excellent in terms of the CBC’s mandate which says:

“The 1991 Broadcasting Act states that…
“…the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation, as the national public broadcaster, should provide radio and television services incorporating a wide range of programming that informs, enlightens and entertains;
…the programming provided by the Corporation should:
1. be predominantly and distinctively Canadian,
2. reflect Canada and its regions to national and regional audiences, while serving the special needs of those regions,
3. actively contribute to the flow and exchange of cultural expression,
4. be in English and in French, reflecting the different needs and circumstances of each official language community, including the particular needs and circumstances of English and French linguistic minorities,
5. strive to be of equivalent quality in English and French,
6. contribute to shared national consciousness and identity,
7. be made available throughout Canada by the most appropriate and efficient means and as resources become available for the purpose, and
8. reflect the multicultural and multiracial nature of Canada.”1

It’s also good from a money perspective. Right now there isn’t a brand in Canada, and certainly not at the CBC, with as much cool factor as Radio 3. Because there is advertising on television this would be the CBC’s first chance to offer their coolest brand to advertisers.

As an added bonus if they, for example, put it on for a half hour a night after the Hour, it would give R3TV a nice carryover audience, but it would also boost ratings for the Hour – as people tuned to CBC in anticipation of R3TV. An all around winner from every vantage point.

The only thing lacking is the audience. If we can show them clearly and without doubt that there are enough people out here that want this show, there is no reason why they wouldn’t do it. So, if I have to nag everyone constantly I have no problem doing it. Tell your friends, your enemies, anyone you think would watch the show were it to happen.

The Scorecard:

  • Petition: 250 (up 48)
  • Facebook Group: 406 (up 52)
  • Myspace: 398 (up 106)
  • Myspace Group: 59 (new this week)

  • And now for what you’ve really been waiting for R3TV Episode #11: Lost in Translation: By the way, you can subscribe to the R3TV feed and never miss an episode: iTunesSubscribe in Itunes

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