Category: Western Democracy

  • What the West really needs is a revolution of the rational middle

    For most of my life, I’ve considered myself a “progressive”. Over the last few years I’ve changed that description to “moderate progressive” – something US Senator Bernie Sanders said, during the 2016 election, a person could not be.  I do not know if I left the progressive movement or if it left me but at…

  • Time to Renegotiate the Social Contract

    Conservatives have cobbled together a strange world view. They do not, largely, believe in biological evolution but they do believe in ‘social Darwinism’ (which Darwin himself did not). At a very basic level, the problem with ‘survival of the fittest’, as an ideology, is that it directly contradicts the basic principles that modern, western democracy…

  • Edward Snowden and How Governments Have Turned Privacy Upside Down

      NSA whistleblower Edward Snowden has gone into hiding. Hopefully he will be smart enough to stay in hiding, forever. As Cuba can attest, the US doesn’t forgive real or perceived transgressions ever, no matter how many times the White House changes hands. As Bradley Manning or numerous others before him can attest, the US is…