Category: Vladamir Putin

  • Hamilton 68 website tracks Russian information ops on Twitter

    Hamilton 68 website tracks Russian information ops on Twitter

    It is no secret that the Russian government has weaponized social media in an attempt to sew doubt, division and chaos among western governments. Now the website Hamilton 68 helps to monitor the stories being pushed by Putin.  The site is an effort of The Alliance for Securing Democracy is “a bipartisan, transatlantic initiative” whose advisory council…

  • How Trump’s moves against Syria may benefit Vladamir Putin

    Photo credit: Gage Skidmore via VisualHunt / CC BY-SA The US attack on air bases in Syria last Thursday obviously help Donald Trump domestically. They came just as Congress took it’s scheduled Easter recess. With Congress not in session, changes are that there will be no significant developments in the multiple ongoing investigations into the…

  • Please watch your political comparisons, almost no-one is “like Hitler”

    Yesterday, I was arguing the advantages of ranked ballot voting, the person I was arguing with was losing. At least I think he was losing. His case seemed to be that as a populist he believed that people were too stupid to handle ranked ballots and that the majority of people wanted the minority to…

  • Now that Sochi is Over, Pussy Riot re-arrested along with 100 other activists

    Before the Olympic medals could even find their way into trophy cases, Russian President Vladamir Putin has begun rounding up his critics again. Right before the Olympics began Putin attempted to improve his government’s international image by granting amnesty to thousands of political prisoners, including members of Pussy Riot and Greenpeace activists. Now that the…

  • Help the Remaining Pussy Riot Members with Amnesty International

    There are, at least, 17 members of the Russian punk/activist group Pussy Riot. Although 3 of them have been sentenced to 2 years in a labor camp for their part in an anti-Putin protest, the hunt for 2 other members who took part in that same protest has not stopped. At this stage no one…

  • Help the Remaining Pussy Riot Members with Amnesty International

    There are, at least, 17 members of the Russian punk/activist group Pussy Riot. Although 3 of them have been sentenced to 2 years in a labor camp for their part in an anti-Putin protest, the hunt for 2 other members who took part in that same protest has not stopped. At this stage no one…

  • Pussy Riot Wins By Losing

    Three members of Pussy Riot were sentenced, yesterday, to two years in prison for “hooliganism” and, presumably “general shenanigans and hijinks” for daring to insult Russian President and former KGB officer Vladamir Putin. The sentence is harsh and will, no doubt, be appealed. It is also the worst thing the Russian courts and whoever pulls…

  • Pussy Riot Wins By Losing

    Three members of Pussy Riot were sentenced, yesterday, to two years in prison for “hooliganism” and, presumably “general shenanigans and hijinks” for daring to insult Russian President and former KGB officer Vladamir Putin. The sentence is harsh and will, no doubt, be appealed. It is also the worst thing the Russian courts and whoever pulls…