Category: United States

  • Instead of running himself, Mike Bloomberg should have started a party

    It seems unlikely at this point that despite, or maybe because of, his lavish spending Michael Bloomberg is going to become president or even the Democratic nominee. For the same price, he could have, and should have, started a 3rd political party. I know that third parties do poorly in the United States. The last…

  • Yes, there are lessons in the UK election for the US and Canada.

    Yes, several. The central lesson is the lesson of most elections since 2016 – Most voters are not on Twitter or Facebook. Some may have accounts but, don’t use them as often or use social media to talk politics. Most of political Twitter (and Facebook) are hardcore activists and ideologues of one stripe or another…

  • Will data vs magic replace right vs left in politics?

    For most of the 20th century politics was defined by a left vs right paradigm. The left generally representing more socialist and collective policies, the right generally representing more individualist and capitalist policies. However, that fight is sort of played out. Most people now recognize that some combination of the above is needed, that neither…

  • The USMCA isn’t a threat to Canadian sovereignty

    There has been a great deal of hand-wringing the last few days about Clause 32 of the US – Mexico – Canada Agreement (USMCA). Some see it as a threat to Canadian sovereignty but it isn’t, not really. It has more to do with US sovereignty and the paranoia of an out of control US…

  • If Democrats take the House, impeachment might not be the best strategy

    As the saying goes, if someone is busy digging their own grave, don’t take away their shovel. If the Democrats win back the House of Representatives in 2020, they do better in the long run if they don’t impeach the President. Impeaching Donald Trump might feel good, but even if it’s successful, which is far…

  • Is the Dow Jones decline a blip, or the start of a downward trend?

    On Monday, February 5, the Dow Jones Industrial Average fell 1175 points, or 4.6 percent, wiping out the market’s gains for the year. The stock market goes up and down, sometimes it’s just a momentary correction and at other times it sends a signal that the overall economy is about to move. So which one…

  • Border Patrol

    Episode 40 of This Is Toronto is now available! This latest edition features the Border Patrol Reading Series, a unique literary event that celebrates the longest undefended border in the world. NEXT EPISODE: Dec. 17, 2010