Category: US

  • Video: Understanding American Inequality

    This video doesn’t attempt to explain the reasons behind inequality, merely the level it has reached. In modern political rhetoric, in the US and in most western countries, there is a great deal of talk about ‘fairness’ toward the very wealthy. They have earned their money so why shouldn’t they keep it. There is very…

  • Video: Understanding American Inequality

    This video doesn’t attempt to explain the reasons behind inequality, merely the level it has reached. In modern political rhetoric, in the US and in most western countries, there is a great deal of talk about ‘fairness’ toward the very wealthy. They have earned their money so why shouldn’t they keep it. There is very…

  • A Pile of Statistics on Americans and Their Guns

    The CBC and Atlantic Wire both did statistical breakdowns of gun ownership and gun crime in the US today. Sadly I cannot easily paste their statistics in here. They both use complicated sets of charts, however, studying them can tell you all kinds of interesting things. Such as: Gun violence is actually down in the…

  • A Pile of Statistics on Americans and Their Guns

    The CBC and Atlantic Wire both did statistical breakdowns of gun ownership and gun crime in the US today. Sadly I cannot easily paste their statistics in here. They both use complicated sets of charts, however, studying them can tell you all kinds of interesting things. Such as: Gun violence is actually down in the…