Category: Politics

  • Newcastle ad looks at what would have happened if the Brits won the American Revolution

    As a US/Canadian dual citizen I have experienced the 4th of July from both sides of the border. Americans definitely love to celebrate it – fireworks, beer, BBQ and mass gatherings. They also love to celebrate the ‘founding fathers’ but when it comes to ‘Independence Day’ the other parties involved seem to put more thought…

  • Yes, the Redskins are a racist organization to the core

    Recently, the Washington Redskins lost their trademark protection because of the racist nature of their logo and name. Many fans of the football team were shocked and outraged, but I don’t know why. Sports teams should not be allowed to have openly racist names (or sexist or homophobic names for that matter). “Braves” and “Indians”…

  • PBS Idea Channel explores net neutrality & asks if the Internet should be a public utility

    A look at the issues surrounding Net Neutrality from PBS Idea Channel. Personally I would go a step further than making the Internet a public utility. I’d make it an unalienable human right. It may not be as obvious as “Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness” and it may not be as essential as…

  • Join my new Facebook group on science, technology and society

    It’s been a long time since I created a Facebook group. I have doubts about Facebook’s long term viability. However, it will do for now. The new group is for the discussion of emerging science and technology and its, potentially substantial, impact on us all. Rather than drag this out too much I will simply…

  • A sports analogy to help explain how global warming is measured

    There is a great tendency among humans in general, to filter information based on their own recent experiences. People, for example, tend to believe in global warming less on cold days. Obviously climate change doesn’t work that way. Other than the potential impact on storms, today’s weather in your town has nothing to do with global…

  • Yes, Rush Limbaugh’s ratings are in the toilet but that may not be good news

    Sites like Daily Kos are having a great time watching Rush Limbaugh’s downward spiral and with good reason. Limbaugh was once called “the Most Dangerous Man in America“. His decades long campaign of propaganda, lies, deceit and hate speech hurt Americans individually and collectively and to a lesser extent, people around the world. Limbaugh has been as…

  • Video: Batgirl’s 1960s Equal Pay PSA

    I found this on Open Culture, they apparently got it from the Emily’s List Facebook Page. Emily’s List says  “Over 50 years ago, Congress passed the Equal Pay Act, a law designed to end wage discrimination against women. Unfortunately, the fight’s still got many rounds left.” For a more detailed analysis of the situation though I’ve included a short…

  • How US evangelicals are exporting hate to Uganda and beyond

    Evangelicals have failed in their efforts to marginalize and demonize LGBT people in the United States and working to generate an increase hate in other parts of the world. Uganda recently passed legislation that criminalizes homosexuality by Ugandan citizens, even outside of Uganda. The law even means the death penalty, in some cases, for homosexual…

  • The wonderful counter-protest that greeted the Westboro Baptist Church in Kansas City

    On Thursday, Westboro Baptist Church founder Fred Phelps passed away. His loyal minions decided to go ahead with a planned protest of a Lorde concert in Kansas City, Missouri on Friday. The photo above is the counter protest that greeted them. It is a great demonstration of why the religious right continues to lose ground…

  • Listen to Neil deGrasse Tyson’s interview with Inquiring Minds

    As someone who is a bit obsessive when it comes to politics and science, the Inquiring Minds Podcast is one of my favorites. Inquiring Minds looks at the science stories of the week, as well as the impact those stories might have on political issues. This week is particularly awesome because Neil deGrasse Tyson is…