Category: Trade

  • The USMCA isn’t a threat to Canadian sovereignty

    There has been a great deal of hand-wringing the last few days about Clause 32 of the US – Mexico – Canada Agreement (USMCA). Some see it as a threat to Canadian sovereignty but it isn’t, not really. It has more to do with US sovereignty and the paranoia of an out of control US…

  • Bernier is going to be more of a problem for conservatives than they want to admit.

    Last week, just before the Conservative Party of Canada’s 2018 convention in Halifax, Maxime Bernier announced that he was leaving the party to form his own. The immediate response from Tories and most of the press was dismissive. From the convention state to Twitter, Conservative leaders and most of the media waved off Bernier as…

  • Basic economics in less than 20 minutes (3 videos)

    Basic economics in less than 20 minutes (3 videos)

    My friend Tessa Sproule at Vubblepop sends out a daily email with a curated collection of videos she has found online. Yesterday’s was particularly good with three video explainers that focused on basic economics; specifically the videos (two from the Rest of Us and one from Kurzgesagt – In a Nutshell) focus on money (what…

  • China Considers Pollution Data a State Secret, Canada Agrees

    A post on Global Voices* today says that “China Considers Pollution Data a State Secret“. “China’s Ministry of Environmental Protection has rejected a Chinese lawyer’s request for the details of a national survey on soil protection after deeming the information a state secret. The public and media are now pressing the Ministry to reverse its…

  • China Considers Pollution Data a State Secret, Canada Agrees

    A post on Global Voices* today says that “China Considers Pollution Data a State Secret“. “China’s Ministry of Environmental Protection has rejected a Chinese lawyer’s request for the details of a national survey on soil protection after deeming the information a state secret. The public and media are now pressing the Ministry to reverse its…