Category: the Border

  • The Border tackles Stop Loss and US Soldiers in Canada

    Last year while Stephen Harper was brown nosing and pretending the US does not practice torture the people at the Border did an episode about US rendition flights (and one that crash landed in Northern Quebec). So, given that Canada’s treatment of US war resisters has become a hotly contested issue this election season I…

  • Kudos To the Border for Being More Realistic than Harper

    Congradulations to the Border for being brave where Ottawa chickened out. The day after Harper’s so called government took the US off the torture list the Border airs an episode about US Diversion Flights. Sympathizers of Bush’s neo-cons will say that ‘the Border’ and the story line are a work of fiction – which is…

  • Mixed Reactions to New CBC Shows

    jPod Canadian Press: Alan Thicke a hoot as the boozing, degenerate father figure on CBC’s ‘JPod’ Toronto Star:CBC has a winner in jPod Montreal Gazette:Radical rethink at CBC coughs up some seriously clichéd comedy The Vancouver Province: jPod set squarely in Couplandia National Post: Not quite a step up the Kitchener Waterloo Record: CBC’s jPOD…

  • New CBC TV Shows for January

    The CBC has a whack of new shows coming in January. I had hoped to post Trailers for them, but in classic CBC style the only trailer they have on YouTube is for the least interesting of the bunch. There was a spat during the fall between intelligence creator Chris Haddock and the CBC because…