Category: Text Based Games

  • 30th Anniversary Edition of the Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy text game

    Video games were not very advanced in 1984. RPGs and games with complex plot lines were generally text based. One of the greats was the Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy, given that the book was also text based it seemed a good fit. In 2004, for the 20th anniversary of the game, the BBC updated…

  • Play Vintage Video Games in Your Browser is, without a doubt, one of the best sites on the internet. The site currently holds 1,421,073 movie and video files, 1,757,038 audio recordings, 121,839 live music concerts, 5,444,949 text files and a searchable TV news archive. All of it is completely free and most is in the public domain. Somehow though, Archive keeps…