Category: Terrorism

  • The West needs to do better at calling out our own extremists

    Every time there is a terrorist act committed by Muslims against westerners there are calls for Muslims to denounce terror. This has always been something of an absurd request because most victims of terror are, themselves, Muslim – it should be fairly obvious that they don’t support terror. Still, the requests always come and Muslims…

  • How western racists and xenophobes help militant Islamic groups

    The day after the terror attacks in Paris, there is understandable anger and grief. There are, as has become the custom, calls for revenge against ISIS and the entire region that they inhabit. While all of this is understandable, it is exactly what groups that practice terrorism want and are counting on. Former U.S. President…

  • Red Dawn: America’s Love/Hate Relationship With ‘Terrorism’

    As the remake of the 1984 war porn classic ‘Red Dawn’ demonstrates, Americans have a strange relationship with ‘insurgency’. The terms terrorist, rebel, insurgent, and freedom fighter are all used as if they had different meanings. They do not. In Iraq, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Yemen and Gaza those who take up arms against the existing power…

  • Red Dawn: America’s Love/Hate Relationship With ‘Terrorism’

    As the remake of the 1984 war porn classic ‘Red Dawn’ demonstrates, Americans have a strange relationship with ‘insurgency’. The terms terrorist, rebel, insurgent, and freedom fighter are all used as if they had different meanings. They do not. In Iraq, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Yemen and Gaza those who take up arms against the existing power…

  • Why Is US Federal Government Trying to Create Terrorists?

    An article in Rolling Stone documents the efforts of US federal law enforcement to turn Occupy protesters into terrorists. Is it an attempt to discredit the Occupy movement or are they just trying to justify exorbitant anti-terror budgets? Read the full article at “The government has a responsibility to prevent harm,” says former FBI counterterrorism agent…

  • Why Is US Federal Government Trying to Create Terrorists?

    An article in Rolling Stone documents the efforts of US federal law enforcement to turn Occupy protesters into terrorists. Is it an attempt to discredit the Occupy movement or are they just trying to justify exorbitant anti-terror budgets? Read the full article at “The government has a responsibility to prevent harm,” says former FBI counterterrorism agent…