Steubenville Whistle Blower Could Do More Time Than the Rapists

Deric Lostutter (a.k.a. KYAnonymous) is probably the person most responsible for calling national and international attention to the rape of a teenage girl by Steubenville high school football players. Now, he may be facing up to 10 years in prison for the hacking which unearthed evidence against the rapists. In an interview with Mother Jones…

Fox and CNN’s Steubenville Coverage: Sympathy for the Devil?

(Trigger Warning) Below are two videos, one from Fox and the other from CNN about the conviction of two of the accused in the Steubenville rape trial. Fox went so far as to allow the name of the victim to be aired, for which they should be charged criminally (if possible) and sued civilly by the victims…

Fox and CNN’s Steubenville Coverage: Sympathy for the Devil?

(Trigger Warning) Below are two videos, one from Fox and the other from CNN about the conviction of two of the accused in the Steubenville rape trial. Fox went so far as to allow the name of the victim to be aired, for which they should be charged criminally (if possible) and sued civilly by the victims…