Category: Sexism

  • Andrew Scheer is wrong: Freedom of speech in Canada is just fine

    As part of his bid to win the Conservative leadership, Andrew Scheer is pretending that free speech is under threat on Canadian campuses. What he is really talking about however, is protecting people from the consequences of unpopular speech including protecting hate speech from negative reactions. What really seems to trouble conservatives like Scheer is…

  • No, you can’t support Donald Trump without being a bigot

    Photo credit: DonkeyHotey via VisualHunt / CC BY-SA If you lived in Germany in 1932 and voted for Hitler, you were anti-semitic. It doesn’t matter how you felt about Jewish people, you were empowering a regime built on hate, one that courted and counted on the support of bigots in their quest for power. I…

  • Why your daughters need more Star Trek

    There has been a great deal of discussion, for many years, about the lack of women in science and technology and how to fix it. Although I haven’t been able to find any actual studies or surveys on the topic, I’d like to propose a hypothesis: The lack of women in science and technology begins…

  • Short film looks at what might happen if men and women’s societal roles were reversed.

    This film comes with both a NSFW warning and a trigger warning. Until yesterday I had never seen Eleonoré Pourriat’s short film Majorité Opprimée (Oppressed Majority). It takes an unflinching look at what society might look like if roles were reversed. What might life be like if men were expected to act like women and…

  • A Dramatic Reading of Internet Trolling

    A good father hacked Donkey Kong so that his daughter could play a female character and save the Mario. The video presentation of this brought out the trolls in force – sexist trolls, racist trolls, homophobic trolls and just sorta trolly trolls – here, via Topless Robot, is a dramatic reading of some of the…