Category: Quinn Norton

  • Aaron Swartz documentary “the Internet’s Own Boy” is now free to stream or download

    For those with short memories, or who were living under a rock at the time hacktavist, writer, organizer and programmer Aaron Swartz died in January, 2013. At the time of his death, which was ruled a suicide though no note was found, was facing “two counts of wire fraud and 11 violations of the Computer…

  • Suggested Reading: “A Eulogy for #Occupy”

    From the time she arrived at Occupy Wall Street in the Fall of 2011, Quinn Norton has been on my ‘must follow’ list on Twitter. While, from what I could gather, she was a true believer in Occupy’s cause, but has been fair and objective when describing the events she witnessed. Her latest article for…

  • Suggested Reading: “A Eulogy for #Occupy”

    From the time she arrived at Occupy Wall Street in the Fall of 2011, Quinn Norton has been on my ‘must follow’ list on Twitter. While, from what I could gather, she was a true believer in Occupy’s cause, but has been fair and objective when describing the events she witnessed. Her latest article for…