Pope Tries to Lead Catholics Away from Ideological Politics

After decades of the increasingly radical “Christian right”, Pope Francis appears to be trying to lead Catholics away from ideological politics.According to Vatican Radio, Pope Francis said: “The faith passes, so to speak, through a distiller and becomes ideology. And ideology does not beckon [people]. In ideologies there is not Jesus: in his tenderness, his…

Can Republicans Increase Support By Backing Equal Marriage?

More Republicans have finally come around and expressed support for equal marriage in the last few days. This is, really, not that surprising. The Republican party is in trouble. Their base is not large enough to win national elections and almost half of young Republicans support same sex marriage. The truth is that by embracing…

Can Republicans Increase Support By Backing Equal Marriage?

More Republicans have finally come around and expressed support for equal marriage in the last few days. This is, really, not that surprising. The Republican party is in trouble. Their base is not large enough to win national elections and almost half of young Republicans support same sex marriage. The truth is that by embracing…