Category: Parliament of Canada

  • No one cares about sovereignty when they’re winning

    As a dual citizen who believes in open borders, free trade and the need for a global constitutional republic to deal with an increasing number of issues that require an international response, I admit that sovereignty is a complicated issue. However, I certainly feel that people have the right to elect their own government representatives…

  • Democratic reform is needed but the solution is preferential balloting, not proportional representation

    Tomorrow Canadian MPs will vote on a democratic reform bill from the NDP. The non-binding bill would endorse a system of ‘mixed member proportional representation’ at the federal level. Proportional representation is a system that bases the number of seats in Parliament on the percentage of the vote. A party that got 25% of the…

  • Why Issue Advocacy is More Important than Reforming the Political System

    Canada needs democratic reform, ideally we need democratic reform that diminishes the power of political parties and party leaders. Any system where 30-40% of the population can essentially set up a monolithic dictatorship for 4-5 years at a time is broken. I’ll return to that topic in later posts though.  There seems to be, among…

  • Which Professions Have the Most / Least Psychopaths

    According to Boing Boing and Eric Barker, the following list represents the most and least psychotic professions. If the list is accurate it could explain a few things. For example, most governments are dominated by lawyers and business people (CEOs). Follow the links for information on the professions of members of Canada’s Parliament, members of…

  • Which Professions Have the Most / Least Psychopaths

    According to Boing Boing and Eric Barker, the following list represents the most and least psychotic professions. If the list is accurate it could explain a few things. For example, most governments are dominated by lawyers and business people (CEOs). Follow the links for information on the professions of members of Canada’s Parliament, members of…